About Us

As a first time dog owner I was a bit apprehensive to say the least but Jackie had been begging for a Bulldog forever so I knew it was only a matter of time.  After babysitting her friends French Bulldog and having him sitting on my lap as I watched tv I finally felt ready to become a dog owner.  Growing up as a huge Georgetown fan certainly helped Jackie’s cause because everyone knows Jack the Bulldog is the both fierce and adorable.  That made the decision to get a dog for us but still left me clueless.  I watched Dogs 101 from the Animal Planet and began reading everything I could find online about Bulldogs and dog training in anticipation of bring home my first dog.  I found a few message boards with some FAQs and tips but nothing comprehensive.  That was my inspiration for this site.  I want to provide useful information for any future or current Bulldog owner with hopefully some cuteness and entertainment along the way.  I hope you enjoy this site as much as I have enjoyed creating it.


My story is completely different.  I have fond memories of my Dad showing English Bulldogs as a child in Florida. It was through sheer determination that I was able to convince Keith to let me get an English Bulldog.  That was the hard part, once Keith held Rukus, I knew instantly that our family had grown and the adventure hasn’t been dull for a moment.  Everyday I find a new challenge comes up from finding the best grain free treats to searching for a toy that won’t instantly be ripped apart. And don’t forget the inevitable emergency medical situation that has you scouring dog forums to see if you need to rush to the vet.  Much like Keith, I wanted to create a site for other English Bulldog owners both to celebrate the breed and provide valuable information and guides to help owners and their Bulldogs have the most rewarding life possible.  Our first weekend away from Rukus I had to create a weekend bag and instructional care list for Keith’s parents who aren’t necessarily dog people but took on the challenge of watching Rukus for us. Creating the how to watch Rukus guide made me wish I would have had a resource like what I hope this site becomes where I could have simply downloaded a checklist and printed it for them. I hope you find both the information we share useful and entertaining.  I look forward to hearing comments and suggestions as well to help increasing my knowledge.


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